To remain in good standing in the Honors Program, students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.2 and complete at least one Honors course each academic year. The Honors Program will alert students to status changes through email correspondence.
- Active: Active status means that the Honors students has met any and all requirements to stay current in the program. Active students retain all perks and benefits of the Honors Program, including priority registration.
- Inactive: Inactive status means that the student failed to take an Honors course within a year, but still maintained their GPA. Inactive students lose all benefits of the Honors Program. To regain active status, a student must email the Honors Program Director ( and enroll in another Honors course.
- Probated: A student is placed on probation from the Honors Program for one semester if their cumulative GPA drops below a 3.2. The student can still sign up for Honors courses and retains all other Honors benefits. If a student’s cumulative GPA rises to or above a 3.2 the following semester, they will regain active status. If the student’s GPA does not increase to at least a 3.2, they will be suspended from the Honors Program.
- Suspended: A student is suspended from the Honors Program when their cumulative GPA is below a 3.2 for two consecutive semesters. The student loses all Honors privileges and may not register for Honors courses. If a student raises their cumulative GPA to or above a 3.2 again and wishes to be reinstated into the program, they should email